Following up on the previous coffee post, I found that I had to replace the coffee surge with a super brain activator, especially after my early morning yoga practice, and I found something that works.
A menopausal body and brain are a puzzle. We're all trying to figure out how to get our bodies back, our vitality and brain functions. One thing that I've found that works for me is a Superfood cacao smoothie, with the main ingredient being organic, ground cacao, yes! Chocolate. I love bringing you this great news. Not only do you get to enjoy the highs of the Food of the Gods, but it has become a necessary ingredient for total well-being.
It's important to buy unrefined, organically sourced, sugar-free ground cacao for maximum potency. You can purchase it at your local health food store. It's used in various recipes such as baked or dehydrated treats, made into puddings and sprinkled onto icecreams or cakes. It's pure 100% cacao.
Chemically speaking, ground cacao contains alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have physiological benefits on the body. Research supports that it heightens serotonin levels (the body’s happy neuron), it stimulates brain function, lowers blood pressure, contains antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
You might say, but doesn't cacao contain caffeine? Yes, it does, and so does green and black tea. My previous post: Bouncing Back From Menopause, is about the effects of coffee on our menapausal system, not about quitting caffeine. Coffee has a debilitating effect on me, and I have read that it affects many other women. In fact, after giving up coffee, I've started to feel like my younger self again. I've also found that caffeine in other forms has no adverse effect on my physical and mental state.
Remember that we are like fingerprints and snowflakes, alike but individual. What works for me may not work for you. This article is a personal observation of what is working for me at the moment, and because the menopausal journey changes from month to month and year to year, it's up to you to observe in detail how you respond to your diet and state of mind.
This Superfood smoothie is not just about one delicious ingredient it's about several nutritional Super foods that will fortify your whole system.
Aprox 250 mls Water, Coconut water, nut or plant based mylk
3 x Kale leaves
1/4 Avocado
1/4 fresh Mango
1/2 Kiwi fruit
1/2 Banana
1 x heaped tsp Cacao
1/3 tsp Maca powder (optional)
1/4 tsp Chia seeds (optional)
1 seving Chlorophyll (as recommended)(Optional)
1 x date
Blend in high powered blender for 50 seconds, and enjoy!
Substitute with your favorite fruit combinations, and experiment to achieve that right balance for your personal taste buds.