Over the course of six weeks, I lost four kilos (eight pounds), my energy level kicked into high gear, my skin became radiant, and my eyes clearer, all due to intermittent fasting.
My initial goal was to lose a few kilo's and treat my dry skin condition. With ageing and depleting hormones, I found my body was morphing and changing into someone I did not recognise. What I had been doing regarding diet and exercise was not working for this new menopausal state. I had to re-educate myself on how to heal and adapt to this new version.
I've always eaten well, organic, whole foods, and had a good grasp of well known ancient healing modalities, as I'm a certified holistic health coach, but I found that I had to go back to the drawing board and research all the dietary models again. I found that most had overly regimented structures that didn't quite fit with my personal needs, which I had discovered through trial and error over the years. For instance, I have gluten and dairy intolerances, and I know my body functions better by eating less meat. I then came across intermittent fasting and water fasting. Something rang true to me about this approach to self-healing. I had done a juice fast many years ago, and I remembered how fantastic I felt after a ten-day fast. So feeling bloated, lacking energy, and with what I suspected could be Psoriasis (dry skin), I decided to delve deeper into the process of fasting and how to do it safely.
I found mentors in two American doctors turned healers: Dr Jason Fung, and Dr Pradip Jamnadas. What I liked about these doctors, contrary to how they would make their money, they were advising people not to spend money on medications or going to the doctors, and instead heal themselves, even from previously debated incurable diseases like diabetes and obesity. So I listened and started to follow their advice. While on this journey, I rediscovered miso and its benefits. In the transition to the water fast, I cut out all refined ingredients and ate only highly nutritional organic foods. One of my favourite dishes became this miso and salmon recipe.
2 cups of filtered water
1 tbs miso
3 tbs cooked quinoa
1 tbs seaweed
Baby spinach
Roasted salmon
Roasted onion
Fresh basil
Boil water in pot, turn off and let sit for a few minutes before adding miso, seaweed, spinach, basil and quinoa. Stir and taste for flavour and heat. Once all the ingredients are in the soup it might need to a little extra heat. Be careful not to bring to a boil again as the boil will destroy the important healing live enzymes in the miso paste. Then plate and add salmon and onions.
Miso has a very alkalizing effect on the body and strengthens the immune system to combat infection. Its high antioxidant levels of vitamin E, amino acids, saponin and lipofuscin gives it anti-aging properties.
Miso helps the body maintain nutritional balance. It is loaded with other nutrients along with its beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Miso provides protein, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin E, vitamin K, choline, linoleic acid, lecithin, and dietary fibre. It aids in digestion too. Its high content of the amino acid tryptophan makes miso a good choice right before bedtime. Tryptophan is nature’s sleep inducer.
Miso helps preserve skin beauty through its content of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps skin stay soft and free of pigment.
Miso is a good choice for women with menopausal complaints because it is able to fill estrogen receptors and produce some of the actions of estrogen in the body. Ref: The Soup Spoon